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Tutorial 1: Paleoclimate Proxies#

Week 1, Day 4, Paleoclimate

Content creators: Sloane Garelick

Content reviewers: Yosmely Bermúdez, Katrina Dobson, Maria Gonzalez, Will Gregory, Nahid Hasan, Sherry Mi, Beatriz Cosenza Muralles, Brodie Pearson, Jenna Pearson, Chi Zhang, Ohad Zivan

Content editors: Yosmely Bermúdez, Zahra Khodakaramimaghsoud, Jenna Pearson, Agustina Pesce, Chi Zhang, Ohad Zivan

Production editors: Wesley Banfield, Jenna Pearson, Chi Zhang, Ohad Zivan

Our 2023 Sponsors: NASA TOPS and Google DeepMind

Tutorial Objectives#

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about different types of paleoclimate proxies (physical characteristics of the environment that can stand in for direct measurements), the file type they come in, and how to convert these files to more usable formats.

By the end of this tutorial you will be able to:

  • Understand some types of paleoclimate proxies and archives that exist

  • Create a global map of locations of proxy paleoclimate records in a specific data network


# imports
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pooch  # to donwload the  PAGES2K data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tempfile
import lipd
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import as shapereader

Helper functions#

# @title Helper functions

# Convert the PAGES2K LiDP files into a pandas.DataFrame

# Function to convert the PAGES2K LiDP files in a pandas.DataFrame
def lipd2df(
    Convert a bunch of PAGES2k LiPD files to a `pandas.DataFrame` to boost data loading.

    If `pkl_filepath` isn't `None`, save the DataFrame as a pikle file.

        lipd_dirpath: str
          Path of the PAGES2k LiPD files
        pkl_filepath: str or None
          Path of the converted pickle file. Default: `None`
        col_str: list of str
          Name of the variables to extract from the LiPD files

        df: `pandas.DataFrame`
          Converted Pandas DataFrame

    # Save the current working directory for later use, as the LiPD utility will change it in the background
    work_dir = os.getcwd()
    # LiPD utility requries the absolute path
    lipd_dirpath = os.path.abspath(lipd_dirpath)
    # Load LiPD files
    lipds = lipd.readLipd(lipd_dirpath)
    # Extract timeseries from the list of LiDP objects
    ts_list = lipd.extractTs(lipds)
    # Recover the working directory
    # Create an empty pandas.DataFrame with the number of rows to be the number of the timeseries (PAGES2k records),
    # and the columns to be the variables we'd like to extract
    df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(index=range(len(ts_list)), columns=col_str)
    # Loop over the timeseries and pick those for global temperature analysis
    i = 0
    for ts in ts_list:
        if (
            "paleoData_useInGlobalTemperatureAnalysis" in ts.keys()
            and ts["paleoData_useInGlobalTemperatureAnalysis"] == "TRUE"
            for name in col_str:
                    df_tmp.loc[i, name] = ts[name]
                    df_tmp.loc[i, name] = np.nan
            i += 1
    # Drop the rows with all NaNs (those not for global temperature analysis)
    df = df_tmp.dropna(how="all")
    # Save the dataframe to a pickle file for later use
    if pkl_filepath:
        save_path = os.path.abspath(pkl_filepath)
        print(f"Saving pickle file at: {save_path}")
    return df

Video 1: Speaker Introduction#

# @title Video 1: Speaker Introduction
# Tech team will add code to format and display the video
# helper functions

def pooch_load(filelocation=None, filename=None, processor=None):
    shared_location = "/home/jovyan/shared/Data/tutorials/W1D4_Paleoclimate"  # this is different for each day
    user_temp_cache = tempfile.gettempdir()

    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(shared_location, filename)):
        file = os.path.join(shared_location, filename)
        file = pooch.retrieve(
            fname=os.path.join(user_temp_cache, filename),

    return file

Section 1: Introduction to PAGES2k#

As we’ve now seen from introductory video, there are various types of paleoclimate archives and proxies that can be used to reconstruct past changes in Earth’s climate. For example:

  • Sediment Cores: Sediments deposited in layers within lakes and oceans serve as a record of climate variations over time. Various proxies for past climate are preserved in sediment cores including, pollen, microfossils, charcoal, microscopic organisms, organic molecules, etc.

  • Ice Cores: Similarly to sediment cores, ice cores capture past climate changes in layers of ice accumulated over time. Common proxies for reconstructing past climate in ice cores include water isotopes, greenhouse gas concentrations of air bubbles in the ice, and dust.

  • Corals: Corals form annual growth bands within their carbonate skeletons, recording temperature changes over time. Scientists analyze the chemical composition of each layer to reconstruct temperature and salinity. Corals typically preserve relatively short paleoclimate records, but they provide very high-resolution reconstructions (monthly and seasonal) and are therefore valuable for understanding past changes in short-term phenomena.

  • Speleothems: These are cave formations that result from the deposition of minerals from groundwater. As the water flows into the cave, thin layers of minerals (e.g., calcium carbonate), are deposited. The thickness and chemical composition of speleothem layers can be used to reconstruct climate changes in the past.

  • Tree Rings: Each year, trees add a new layer of growth, known as a tree ring. These rings record changes in temperature and precipitation. Proxy measurements of tree rings include thickness and isotopes, which reflect annual variability in moisture and temperature.

There are many existing paleoclimate reconstructions spanning a variety of timescales and from global locations. Given the temporal and spatial vastness of existing paleoclimate records, it can be challenging to know what paleoclimate data already exists and where to find it. One useful solution is compiling all existing paleoclimate records for a single climate variable (temperature, greenhouse gas concentration, precipitation, etc.) and over a specific time period (Holocene to present, the past 800,000 years, etc.).

One example of this is the PAGES2k network, which is a community-sourced database of temperature-sensitive proxy records. The database consists of 692 records from 648 locations, that are from a variety of archives (e.g., trees, ice, sediment, corals, speleothems, etc.) and span the Common Era (1 CE to present, i.e., the past ~2,000 years). You can read more about the PAGES2k network, in PAGES 2k Consortium (2017).

In this tutorial, we will explore the types of proxy records in the PAGES2k network and create a map of proxy record locations.

Section 2: Get PAGES2k LiPD Files#

The PAGES2k network is stored in a specific file format known as Linked Paleo Data format (LiPD). LiPD files contain time series information in addition to supporting metadata (e.g., root metadata, location). Pyleoclim (and its dependency package LiPD) leverages this additional information using LiPD-specific functionality.

Data stored in the .lpd format can be loaded directly as an Lipd object. If the data_path points to one LiPD file, lipd.readLipd.() will load the specific record, while if data_path points to a folder of lipd files, lipd.readLipd.() will load the full set of records. This function to read in the data is imbedded in the helper function above used to read the data in and convert it to a more usable format.

The first thing we need to do it to download the data.

# Set the name to save the PAGES2K data
fname = "pages2k_data"

# Download the datae
lipd_file_path = pooch.retrieve(

Now we can use our helpfer function lipd_2df() to convert the LiPD files to a Pandas dataframe.

NOTE: when you run some of the next code cell to convert the Lipd files to a DataFrame, you will get some error messages. This is fine and the code will still accomplish what it needs to do. The code will also take a few minutes to run, so if it’s taking longer than you’d expect, that’s alright!

# convert all the lipd files into a DataFrame
fname = "pages2k_data"

pages2k_data = lipd2df(lipd_dirpath=os.path.join(".", f"{fname}.unzip", "LiPD_Files"))
Disclaimer: LiPD files may be updated and modified to adhere to standards

Found: 657 LiPD file(s)
reading: Asia-UULMND.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana171.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MOR1JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BUKPIG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-CTR.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HRPCSM.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-JamesRossIsl.Mulvaney.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MUSPIG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaDraschba2000b.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MTASSP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SUMELS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificGorman2012Vanuatu.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ASTABP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-NLTPCS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-SipleStation.Mosley-Thompson.1990.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TDBXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-RANGCD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MQACJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: SAm-LagunaAculeo.vonGunten.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana157.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-NorthIceland.Sicre.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GANGCD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UULMXD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-EmeraldBasin.Sachs.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TSO.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthAbrolhosCooper2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-MES.Bertler.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-LAMIAB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UKHTRW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ONONLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca534.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificAlibert2008Papua.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana091.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DLH5.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-EastChina.Wang.1990.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GEYZSP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Austfonna.Isaksson.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-DomeC.Jouzel.2001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak117.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Anchukaitis.2013.Coppermine.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mt108.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HSE.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-GarrisonBasin.Richey.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Kongressvatn.DAndrea.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-CTPEastTasma.Allen.2001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TSHETD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-OVOOLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticPedroBankHaaseSchramm2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBiscayneBaySwart1996.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana435.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wy025.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificVanuatuQuinn1996.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-11YCT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZMGLPS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-NorthIceland.Ran.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UKHMXD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-CTPWestTasma.Allen.2001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Aktru2.Panyushkina.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ESPERG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana169.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-YKCOM.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-BrayaSo.DAndrea.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaKuhnert2002.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca603.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GRAKJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-TaylorDome.Steig.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wy022.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificCoralSeaCalvo2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-ChileanMargin.Lamy.2002.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MQDXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mt112.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-me010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-nv512.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Yamalia.Briffa.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-WesternSvalbard.Spielhagen.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Hushre.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MTASMD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-LakePieni-Ka.Luoto.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZHIDJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticLosRoquesHetzinger2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CentralChina.Wang.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZACCDD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianAbrolhosKuhnert1999.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: SAm-CAN11.Neukom.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-co517.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UKHEWD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Bird2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UULLWD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-Oroko.Cook.2002.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-SiteDML05.Graf.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificGBRDruffel1999.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BHUTTD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-LakeMina.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ClearP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BARELC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Lomonosovfon.Divine.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MOR4JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-nv513.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-WindyDome.2010.Kinnard.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificGalapagosDunbar1994.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana443.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BIARLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KUNASH.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DLH2.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: SAm-LagunaEscondida.Elbert.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-PlateauRemot.Cole-Dai.1996.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-SpannagelCave.Mangini.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DUSHJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa097.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-GreatBahamabAtlantic0326aLund2006125MC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-Takapari.Xiong.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-NARANG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-YKC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TDAXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana384.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-NARKAB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-LenaRiver.MacDonald.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-MakassarStaitMD9862160.Newton.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006Rarotongad18O2R.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-JUTPCS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana111.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-FRE.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-GreatBahamaBank.Lund.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-LakeSilvapla.Trachsel.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-SouthernChile.Mohtadi.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-AlboranSea-TTR17-1384B.Nieto-Moreno.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa056.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Avam-Taimyr.Briffa.2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana450.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-BasinP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Lamoureux1996.lpd
1.9 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MJTQJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DskJUE.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ESPPAK.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana151.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianSeychellesCharles1997.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-DomeF.Motizuki.2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-HudsonLake.Clegg.2011.lpd
1.1 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianKenyaNakamura2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificMadangTudhope2001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-WL2.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TSHEPS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-SFP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthTantabiddiCooper2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticMontegoBayHaaseSchramm2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CENTIB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificMaianaUrban2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CHP3JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-NScan.Esper.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-GulfofAlaska.Wiles.2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DDANJR.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana096.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana324.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Korumdu.Panyushkina.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mt116.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Armarnaes.Bjorkelund.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SAT1JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BIGELS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HOCKJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KHOVLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BLKALS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-Tagus.Abrantes.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-12YMA.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-ArabianSea.Doose-Rolinski.2001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana351.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-co633.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DULAJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GHEGAN.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GHURCH.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MQRXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-ScreamingLynx.Clegg.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HSW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-YAKHTD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-id008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-HalletLake.McKay.2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006Rarotongad18O3R.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonLinsley2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-JANCD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak098.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wy021.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Ojala2005.lpd
1.44 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Africa-LakeTanganyi.Tierney.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BHULJR.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-MD952011.Calvo.2002.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HENTLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBahamasSaenger2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-az555.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-OkinawaTrough.Wu.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana170.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-SantaBarbara.Zhao.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Renland.Vinther.2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-STREC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana210.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CHP2JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-SouthIceland.Moffa-Sanchez2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-BawBaw.Brookhouse.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana238.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KERALA.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa104.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Tjeggelvas.Bjorkelund.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TUCHLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: SAm-CAN9.Neukom.2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZD31.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-QML.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBahamasTOTORosenheim2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-LAYAJR.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-XIANGC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DAYNLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-LakeSilvapla.Larocque-Tobler.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DAOSIC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-NGTB21.Fischer.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-SiteDML07.Graf.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticMexicoVasquez2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-Philippines-MD98-2181.Stott.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-BerknerIslan.Mulvaney.2002.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-YKA.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-WDC05A.Steig.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KATKUW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-NOGSAK.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CGPCDD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-YKS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Ulagan.Magda.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CHDAND.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006RarotongaSrCa2R.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana094.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak060.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Agassiz.Vinther.2008.lpd
1.59 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificSCSSun2004.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BHUTSP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticPuertoRicoKilbourne2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak035.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HEBQIN.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-HaltiaHovi2007.lpd
1.6 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006Rarotongad18O99.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-Philippines.Stott.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak102.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: SAm-LagunaChepical.deJong.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak078.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CHOLPB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-CapeGhir.McGregor.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MAINJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-co586.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa071.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-EastChinareg.Wang.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ISBCDD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SPKRLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SUBALS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak074.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-NGTB16.Fischer.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-CentralEu.Dobrovolny.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak021.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BAG2JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-Duckhole.Saunders.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-PEMBSP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-P178-15.Tierney.2015.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianMalindiCole2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-SouthAtlantic.Leduc.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificKiritimatiEvans1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-FinnishLakes.Helama.2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Thomas2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ENEPAB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-CariacoBasin.Lea.2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UKHLWW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UNDULS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianMentawaiAbram2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-MtRead.Cook.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ENGILC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-13YET.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificPalaurockislandsOsborne2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-Stockholm.Leijonhufvud.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak114.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TERELJ.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-PinkPineNZ.Duncan.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianMayotteZinke20082009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificVanuatuKilbourne2004.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-DomeC.Stenni.2001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-RIWOPB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaGoodkin2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZNMDLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianBaliCharles2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KJTRJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ULKEPS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-LaurentianFan.Keigwin.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana082.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Arjeplog.Bjorklund.2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Lake4.Rolland.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-SoperLakeBaf.Hughen.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-GulfofGuinea.Weldeab.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TKC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Jabe.Ovchinnikov.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KunashirIsla.Demezhko.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ANKHLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana225.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana097.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-or042.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-PigmyBasin.Richey.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana228.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa072.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-CentralandEa.Pla.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak058.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006Fiji1F.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-co552.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-LANGTD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mt120.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MUMBAS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: SAm-CAN15.Neukom2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MQBXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticTobagoMoses2006Sidereastrea.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana153.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Kur3.Magda.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MANDLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BAG1JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CAMGSP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BAG5JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HSS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: SAm-CAN6.Neukom.2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-Ferrigno.Thomas.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: SAm-QuelccayaIce.Thompson.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca560.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-RETIJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-GreatBarrier.Hendy.2002.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana449.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana434.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificGuamAsami2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Dansgaard1969.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HORBLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DENSJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SHIESP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-az553.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonClipp4bWu2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wy024.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana446.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Crete.Vinther.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-AGHERI.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MSFCDD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UULEWW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificPalmyracombinedCobb2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DEORLA.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-EasternTropicalNorthAtlantic.Kuhnert.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificPNGTudhope1995.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UKHEWW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SO9039KGSO1.Munz.2015.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Iceland.Bergthorsson.1969.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-QAMDJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificPanamaLinsley1994.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa083.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-DomeF.Horiuchi.2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-Spain.Martin-Chivelet.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DQHZHO.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-NGRIP1.Vinther.2006.lpd
1.29 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KOKKIY.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-McCarroll.Laanila.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-or043.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana113.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-co554.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZHANGX.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-WULANJ.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-WestSpitzbergen.Bonnet.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BAYHLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-AkademiiNauk.Opel.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CHEPCS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-CariacoBasin.Black.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-WEqPacific.Stott.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-OCNM.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-AlboranSea.Nieto-Moreno.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana430.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KARPCS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-NWPacific.Harada.2004.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-MakassarStrait.Newton.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KMD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Africa-ColdAirCave.Sundqvist.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak057.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MURKJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-StewartIslan.DArrigo.1995.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZACHTD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticMaineWanamaker2008.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-AlboranSea-TTR17-1436B.Nieto-Moreno.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianMafiaDamassa2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificNauruGuilderson1999.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak132.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-MakassarStrait-MD98-2177.Newton.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-CapeHatteras.Clroux.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificBunakenCharles2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DHURPS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-co553.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BAWSIC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KHOGLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-RAPiD-12-1K.Thornalley.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificFelis2009OgasawaraJapan.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-tab.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-WL1.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Chu.2012.Sihailongwanlake.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLRMakassarStrait-MD98-2160.Newton.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonClipp2bWu2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-SWCoastOfIndia.Saraswat.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-NANENG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-WEXYUN.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Guangdong.Zheng.1982.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-AJTMJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MCCHFH.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-TalosDome.Stenni.2002.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-WL3.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-22DLT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Guangdongand.Zhang.1980.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-KuroshioCurrent.Isono.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KHELLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZHD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianNingalooKuhnert2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-ECarpathians.Popa.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-LawDomeBoreholeReconstruction.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-SiteDML17.Graf.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-SouthChinaSea.Zhao.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SAT3JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonClipp6aWu2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthCoralBayCooper2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ut511.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BULGLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificNewCaledoniaDelong2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZSMDLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-WDC06A.Steig.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-MackenzieDelta.Porter.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wy030.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Luoto2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaKuhnert2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SHENJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Fisher1983.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-LakeE.DAndrea.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-EmeraldBasin.Keigwin.2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SAT2JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-GreenLake.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticTobagoMoses2006Montastrea.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BDFLON.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Larsen2011.lpd
1.71 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-CoastalDML.Thamban.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca528.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-SouthIceland.Sicre.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UULEWD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-Seebergsee.Larocque-Tobler.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UKHMND.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-QUMAJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DEZQIN.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-Vostok.Ekaykin.2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GHUNAB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CGPPIG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KRNKAM.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca530.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-JOTPIG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthBundegiCooper2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana453.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Africa-P178-15.Tierney.2015.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-DarkL.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UULLWW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-PrinceOfWales.Kinnard.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca529.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZURTLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaDraschba2000a.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana438.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificWu2013Tonga.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MSR.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianAqabaHeiss1994AQ18.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-NASPTD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificQuinn2008Rabaul.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SHIYAT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificPalauulongchannelOsborne2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-Lotschental.Buentgen.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TIANMU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-NLTJUE.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana439.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianIfatyTulearZinke2014tul3.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana155.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana002.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak115.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak070.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MOR2JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KOELIU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-LittlePineL.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MUNATG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-LClouds.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Cook2009.lpd
1.77 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-DSS.Moy.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-vic.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Indigurka.Hughes.1999.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-CentralEu.Buntgen.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-CapeGhir.Kim.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-DryTortugasA.Lund.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Zhang.Jamtland.2016.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-ODP984.Came.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mt126.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DLH1.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-USITASE20024.Steig.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBahamasExumaRosenheim2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificGBRWei2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-KHOTLS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticDryTortugasDeLong2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-MakassarStrait.Linsley.2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca636.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-LNoir.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Guliya.Thompson.1997.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MQFXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Djaz.Magda.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-NGTB18.Fischer.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-GRIP.Vinther.2010.lpd
1.29 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificSuvaBagnato2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SMASLY.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-SOV.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-Tallinn.Tarand.2001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MANHPS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-TALDICE.Stenni.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana359.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-CH07-98-MC-2.Saenger.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-StoreggaSlid.Sejrup.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HBHXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TJ1.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Kittelfjall.Bjorkelund.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana382.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GEFKJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-MakassarStrait.Oppo.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak116.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Aus-BuckleysChan.Buckley.1997.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-XJTCJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Kur2.Magda.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-DryTortugas.Lund.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-WL4.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-QAMDPB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianRusUmSiddMoustafa2000Rus93a.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TKACDD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-LakeDonardBa.Moore.2001.lpd
1.11 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-MD992275.Jiang.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BAG4JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-WEqPacific-MD98-2176.Stott.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana321.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-LUKUTD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticGuadeloupeHetzinger2010.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianRedSeaFelis2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianIfatyTulearZinke2014if4.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MQAXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MOR3JU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana421.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-McCarrol.Forfjordalen.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-CoastofPortu.Abrantes.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Africa-Malawi.Powers.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-KNR140.Saenger.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-SPyrenees.Linan.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana432.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SODAPS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wy023.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-PHUMTD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-RubyL.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak094.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SANGTS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-PTCYUN.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HBMXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mt119.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonClippf1bWu2014.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana378.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Ugla.Panyushkina.2005.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-GB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana354.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-Tat12.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana234.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SourthandMid.Demezhko.2007.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianAqabaHeiss1994AQ19.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-10GKP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana352.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BURGPW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-XCHSIC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-Minorca.Moreno.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HYGJUP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GAYTTD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana029.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-FiskBasin.Richey.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ONB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-VLG.Bertler.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mexi020.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-LAJQIN.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-TANSIC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Middlereache.Zhang.1980.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa081.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianAbrolhosZinke2014HAB10A.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Lowerreaches.Zhang.1980.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Schneider.2015.PolarUrals.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana053.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificLiangTudhope2001.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-WDC05ABoreholeTreconstruction.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ZhejiangandF.Zhang.1980.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Puruogangri.Thompson.2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-GISP2.Grootes.1997.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-CILAUP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Dye.Vinther.2010.lpd
1.29 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianReunionPfeiffer2004.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificNurhati2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DLH3.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticFloridaBaySwart1996.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-WesternAntarcticPeninsula.Shevenell.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HBLXJP.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-id013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MAXSIC.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HUASPI.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Tut2.Magda.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak046.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MHGSTG.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Eur-FrenchAlps.Buentgen.2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-DArrigo2006Yuk.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticCapeVerdeMoses2006.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana437.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthImperieuseCooper2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificTarawaCole1990.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa069.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-ASTPIW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006FijiAB.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UKHLWD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-FeniDriftRichter.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Tornetrask.Melvin.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca609.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-Clegg2010.lpd
1.29 MB :That's a big file! This may take a while to load...
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-PacificMooreaBoiseau2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ConroyL.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-NYINJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ant-USITASE20001.Steig.2013.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-JacafFjord.Sepulveda.2009.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-RACHAS.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HunanJiangsu.Zhang.1980.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BONKJT.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-GOUQIN.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianIfatyTulearZinke2014if1.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-VoringPlateau.Berner.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-wa061.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianAbrolhosZinke2014HAB05B.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca637.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-PennyIceCapP.Okuyama.2003.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-Dasuopu.Thompson.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-FujianandTai.Wang.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DLH6.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-HellKt.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Arc-PennyIceCapP.Fisher.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-HXBURU.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-UULTRW.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-SouthChina.Wang.1998.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana062.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana313.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana231.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-BUKCDD.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mexi043.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-cana358.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: O2kLR-SubTropicalEasternAtlantic.deMenocal.2000.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-mt115.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-MS.Magda.2011.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ca606.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthClerkeCooper2012.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-DLH4.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: Asia-WXIYUN.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
reading: NAm-ak6.lpd
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Error: Unable to update file to LiPD v1.3: dictionary keys changed during iteration
Finished read: 657 records
extracting paleoData...
extracting: Asia-UULMND
extracting: NAm-cana171
extracting: Asia-MOR1JU
extracting: Asia-BUKPIG
extracting: NAm-CTR
extracting: Asia-HRPCSM
extracting: Ant-JamesRossIsl.Mulvaney.2012
extracting: Asia-MUSPIG
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaDraschba2000b
extracting: Asia-MTASSP
extracting: Asia-SUMELS
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificGorman2012Vanuatu
extracting: Asia-ASTABP
extracting: Asia-NLTPCS
extracting: Ant-SipleStation.Mosley-Thompson.1990
extracting: Asia-TDBXJP
extracting: Asia-RANGCD
extracting: Asia-MQACJP
extracting: SAm-LagunaAculeo.vonGunten.2009
extracting: NAm-cana157
extracting: O2kLR-NorthIceland.Sicre.2011
extracting: Asia-GANGCD
extracting: Asia-UULMXD
extracting: O2kLR-EmeraldBasin.Sachs.2007
extracting: Asia-TSO
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthAbrolhosCooper2012
extracting: Ant-MES.Bertler.2012
extracting: Asia-LAMIAB
extracting: Asia-UKHTRW
extracting: Asia-ONONLS
extracting: NAm-ca534
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificAlibert2008Papua
extracting: NAm-cana091
extracting: Asia-DLH5
extracting: Asia-EastChina.Wang.1990
extracting: Asia-GEYZSP
extracting: Arc-Austfonna.Isaksson.2005
extracting: Ant-DomeC.Jouzel.2001
extracting: NAm-ak117
extracting: Arc-Anchukaitis.2013.Coppermine
extracting: NAm-mt108
extracting: Asia-HSE
extracting: O2kLR-GarrisonBasin.Richey.2009
extracting: Arc-Kongressvatn.DAndrea.2012
extracting: Aus-CTPEastTasma.Allen.2001
extracting: Asia-TSHETD
extracting: Asia-OVOOLS
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticPedroBankHaaseSchramm2003
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBiscayneBaySwart1996
extracting: NAm-cana435
extracting: NAm-wy025
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificVanuatuQuinn1996
extracting: Asia-11YCT
extracting: Asia-ZMGLPS
extracting: Eur-NorthIceland.Ran.2011
extracting: Asia-UKHMXD
extracting: Aus-CTPWestTasma.Allen.2001
extracting: Asia-Aktru2.Panyushkina.2005
extracting: Asia-ESPERG
extracting: NAm-cana169
extracting: Asia-YKCOM
extracting: Arc-BrayaSo.DAndrea.2011
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaKuhnert2002
extracting: NAm-ca603
extracting: Asia-GRAKJT
extracting: Ant-TaylorDome.Steig.2000
extracting: NAm-wy022
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificCoralSeaCalvo2007
extracting: O2kLR-ChileanMargin.Lamy.2002
extracting: Asia-MQDXJP
extracting: NAm-mt112
extracting: NAm-me010
extracting: NAm-nv512
extracting: Arc-Yamalia.Briffa.2013
extracting: O2kLR-WesternSvalbard.Spielhagen.2011
extracting: Asia-Hushre
extracting: Asia-MTASMD
extracting: Arc-LakePieni-Ka.Luoto.2010
extracting: Asia-ZHIDJP
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticLosRoquesHetzinger2008
extracting: NAm-ak010
extracting: Asia-CentralChina.Wang.1998
extracting: Asia-ZACCDD
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianAbrolhosKuhnert1999
extracting: SAm-CAN11.Neukom.2011
extracting: NAm-co517
extracting: Asia-UKHEWD
extracting: Arc-Bird2009
extracting: Asia-UULLWD
extracting: Aus-Oroko.Cook.2002
extracting: Ant-SiteDML05.Graf.2000
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificGBRDruffel1999
extracting: Asia-BHUTTD
extracting: NAm-LakeMina
extracting: NAm-Clear_P
extracting: Asia-BARELC
extracting: Arc-Lomonosovfon.Divine.2013
extracting: Asia-MOR4JU
extracting: NAm-nv513
extracting: Arc-WindyDome.2010.Kinnard
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificGalapagosDunbar1994
extracting: NAm-cana443
extracting: Asia-BIARLS
extracting: NAm-ak006
extracting: Asia-KUNASH
extracting: Asia-DLH2
extracting: SAm-LagunaEscondida.Elbert.2013
extracting: Ant-PlateauRemot.Cole-Dai.1996
extracting: Eur-SpannagelCave.Mangini.2005
extracting: Asia-DUSHJP
extracting: NAm-wa097
extracting: O2kLR-GreatBahamabAtlantic0326aLund2006125MC
extracting: Aus-Takapari.Xiong.2000
extracting: Asia-NARANG
extracting: Asia-YKC
extracting: Asia-TDAXJP
extracting: NAm-cana384
extracting: Asia-NARKAB
extracting: Arc-LenaRiver.MacDonald.1998
extracting: O2kLR-MakassarStaitMD9862160.Newton.2011
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006Rarotongad18O2R
extracting: Asia-JUTPCS
extracting: NAm-cana111
extracting: NAm-FRE
extracting: O2kLR-GreatBahamaBank.Lund.2006
extracting: Eur-LakeSilvapla.Trachsel.2010
extracting: O2kLR-SouthernChile.Mohtadi.2007
extracting: O2kLR-AlboranSea-TTR17-1_384B.Nieto-Moreno.2012
extracting: NAm-wa056
extracting: Arc-Avam-Taimyr.Briffa.2008
extracting: NAm-cana450
extracting: NAm-Basin_P
extracting: Arc-Lamoureux1996
extracting: Asia-MJTQJT
extracting: Asia-DskJUE
extracting: Asia-ESPPAK
extracting: NAm-cana151
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianSeychellesCharles1997
extracting: Ant-DomeF.Motizuki.2014
extracting: Arc-HudsonLake.Clegg.2011
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianKenyaNakamura2009
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificMadangTudhope2001
extracting: Asia-WL2
extracting: Asia-TSHEPS
extracting: NAm-SFP
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthTantabiddiCooper2012
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticMontegoBayHaaseSchramm2003
extracting: Asia-CENTIB
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificMaianaUrban2000
extracting: Asia-CHP3JU
extracting: Eur-NScan.Esper.2012
extracting: Arc-GulfofAlaska.Wiles.2014
extracting: Asia-DDANJR
extracting: NAm-cana096
extracting: NAm-cana324
extracting: Asia-Korumdu.Panyushkina.2005
extracting: NAm-mt116
extracting: Arc-Armarnaes.Bjorkelund.2013
extracting: Asia-SAT1JU
extracting: Asia-BIGELS
extracting: Asia-HOCKJT
extracting: Asia-KHOVLS
extracting: Asia-BLKALS
extracting: O2kLR-Tagus.Abrantes.2005
extracting: Asia-12YMA
extracting: O2kLR-ArabianSea.Doose-Rolinski.2001
extracting: NAm-cana351
extracting: NAm-co633
extracting: Asia-DULAJP
extracting: Asia-GHEGAN
extracting: Asia-GHURCH
extracting: Asia-MQRXJP
extracting: Arc-ScreamingLynx.Clegg.2011
extracting: Asia-HSW
extracting: Asia-YAKHTD
extracting: NAm-id008
extracting: Arc-HalletLake.McKay.2008
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006Rarotongad18O3R
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonLinsley2000
extracting: Asia-JANCD
extracting: NAm-ak098
extracting: NAm-wy021
extracting: Arc-Ojala2005
extracting: Africa-LakeTanganyi.Tierney.2010
extracting: Asia-BHULJR
extracting: O2kLR-MD952011.Calvo.2002
extracting: Asia-HENTLS
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBahamasSaenger2009
extracting: NAm-az555
extracting: O2kLR-OkinawaTrough.Wu.2012
extracting: NAm-cana170
extracting: O2kLR-SantaBarbara.Zhao.2000
extracting: Arc-Renland.Vinther.2008
extracting: NAm-STREC
extracting: NAm-cana210
extracting: Asia-CHP2JU
extracting: Eur-SouthIceland.Moffa-Sanchez2014
extracting: Aus-BawBaw.Brookhouse.2006
extracting: NAm-cana238
extracting: Asia-KERALA
extracting: NAm-wa104
extracting: Arc-Tjeggelvas.Bjorkelund.2013
extracting: Asia-TUCHLS
extracting: NAm-ak001
extracting: SAm-CAN9.Neukom.2014
extracting: Asia-ZD31
extracting: Asia-QML
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBahamasTOTORosenheim2005
extracting: Asia-LAYAJR
extracting: Asia-XIANGC
extracting: Asia-DAYNLS
extracting: Eur-LakeSilvapla.Larocque-Tobler.2010
extracting: Asia-DAOSIC
extracting: Arc-NGTB21.Fischer.1998
extracting: Ant-SiteDML07.Graf.2000
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticMexicoVasquez2012
extracting: O2kLR-Philippines-MD98-2181.Stott.2007
extracting: Ant-BerknerIslan.Mulvaney.2002
extracting: Asia-YKA
extracting: Ant-WDC05A.Steig.2013
extracting: Asia-KATKUW
extracting: Asia-NOGSAK
extracting: Asia-CGPCDD
extracting: Asia-YKS
extracting: Asia-Ulagan.Magda.2011
extracting: Asia-CHDAND
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006RarotongaSrCa2R
extracting: NAm-cana094
extracting: NAm-ak060
extracting: Arc-Agassiz.Vinther.2008
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificSCSSun2004
extracting: Asia-BHUTSP
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticPuertoRicoKilbourne2008
extracting: NAm-ak035
extracting: Asia-HEBQIN
extracting: Arc-HaltiaHovi2007
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006Rarotongad18O99
extracting: O2kLR-Philippines.Stott.2007
extracting: NAm-ak102
extracting: SAm-LagunaChepical.deJong.2013
extracting: NAm-ak078
extracting: Asia-CHOLPB
extracting: O2kLR-CapeGhir.McGregor.2007
extracting: Asia-MAINJT
extracting: NAm-co586
extracting: NAm-wa071
extracting: Asia-EastChinareg.Wang.1998
extracting: Asia-ISBCDD
extracting: Asia-SPKRLS
extracting: Asia-SUBALS
extracting: NAm-ak074
extracting: Arc-NGTB16.Fischer.1998
extracting: Eur-CentralEu.Dobrovolny.2010
extracting: NAm-ak021
extracting: Asia-BAG2JU
extracting: Aus-Duckhole.Saunders.2013
extracting: Asia-PEMBSP
extracting: O2kLR-P178-15.Tierney.2015
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianMalindiCole2000
extracting: O2kLR-SouthAtlantic.Leduc.2010
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificKiritimatiEvans1998
extracting: Eur-FinnishLakes.Helama.2014
extracting: Arc-Thomas2008
extracting: Asia-ENEPAB
extracting: O2kLR-CariacoBasin.Lea.2003
extracting: Asia-UKHLWW
extracting: Asia-UNDULS
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianMentawaiAbram2008
extracting: Aus-MtRead.Cook.2006
extracting: Asia-ENGILC
extracting: Asia-13YET
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificPalaurockislandsOsborne2014
extracting: Eur-Stockholm.Leijonhufvud.2010
extracting: NAm-ak114
extracting: Asia-TERELJ
extracting: Aus-PinkPineNZ.Duncan.2010
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianMayotteZinke20082009
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificVanuatuKilbourne2004
extracting: Ant-DomeC.Stenni.2001
extracting: Asia-RIWOPB
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaGoodkin2006
extracting: Asia-ZNMDLS
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianBaliCharles2003
extracting: Asia-KJTRJT
extracting: Asia-ULKEPS
extracting: O2kLR-LaurentianFan.Keigwin.2005
extracting: NAm-cana082
extracting: Arc-Arjeplog.Bjorklund.2014
extracting: Arc-Lake4.Rolland.2009
extracting: Asia-SJT
extracting: Arc-SoperLakeBaf.Hughen.2000
extracting: O2kLR-GulfofGuinea.Weldeab.2007
extracting: Asia-TKC
extracting: Asia-Jabe.Ovchinnikov.2000
extracting: Asia-KunashirIsla.Demezhko.2009
extracting: Asia-ANKHLS
extracting: NAm-cana225
extracting: NAm-cana097
extracting: NAm-or042
extracting: O2kLR-PigmyBasin.Richey.2009
extracting: NAm-cana228
extracting: NAm-wa072
extracting: Eur-CentralandEa.Pla.2005
extracting: NAm-ak058
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006Fiji1F
extracting: NAm-co552
extracting: Asia-LANGTD
extracting: NAm-mt120
extracting: Asia-MUMBAS
extracting: SAm-CAN15.Neukom2014
extracting: Asia-MQBXJP
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticTobagoMoses2006Sidereastrea
extracting: NAm-cana153
extracting: Asia-Kur3.Magda.2011
extracting: Asia-MANDLS
extracting: Asia-BAG1JU
extracting: Asia-CAMGSP
extracting: Asia-BAG5JU
extracting: Asia-HSS
extracting: SAm-CAN6.Neukom.2014
extracting: Ant-Ferrigno.Thomas.2013
extracting: SAm-QuelccayaIce.Thompson.2013
extracting: NAm-ca560
extracting: Asia-RETIJT
extracting: O2kLR-GreatBarrier.Hendy.2002
extracting: NAm-cana449
extracting: NAm-cana434
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificGuamAsami2005
extracting: Arc-Dansgaard1969
extracting: Asia-HORBLS
extracting: Asia-DENSJT
extracting: Asia-SHIESP
extracting: NAm-az553
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonClipp4bWu2014
extracting: NAm-wy024
extracting: NAm-cana446
extracting: Arc-Crete.Vinther.2010
extracting: Asia-AGHERI
extracting: Asia-MSFCDD
extracting: Asia-UULEWW
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificPalmyracombinedCobb2003
extracting: Asia-DEORLA
extracting: O2kLR-EasternTropicalNorthAtlantic.Kuhnert.2011
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificPNGTudhope1995
extracting: Asia-UKHEWW
extracting: Asia-SO9039KGSO1.Munz.2015
extracting: Arc-Iceland.Bergthorsson.1969
extracting: Asia-QAMDJT
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificPanamaLinsley1994
extracting: NAm-wa083
extracting: Ant-DomeF.Horiuchi.2008
extracting: Eur-Spain.Martin-Chivelet.2011
extracting: Asia-DQHZHO
extracting: Arc-NGRIP1.Vinther.2006
extracting: Asia-KOKKIY
extracting: Arc-McCarroll.Laanila.2013
extracting: NAm-or043
extracting: NAm-cana113
extracting: NAm-co554
extracting: Asia-ZHANGX
extracting: Asia-WULANJ
extracting: O2kLR-WestSpitzbergen.Bonnet.2010
extracting: Asia-BAYHLS
extracting: Arc-AkademiiNauk.Opel.2013
extracting: Asia-CHEPCS
extracting: O2kLR-CariacoBasin.Black.2007
extracting: O2kLR-WEqPacific.Stott.2007
extracting: NAm-OCNM
extracting: O2kLR-AlboranSea.Nieto-Moreno.2012
extracting: NAm-cana430
extracting: Asia-KARPCS
extracting: O2kLR-NWPacific.Harada.2004
extracting: O2kLR-MakassarStrait.Newton.2011
extracting: Asia-KMD
extracting: Africa-ColdAirCave.Sundqvist.2013
extracting: NAm-ak057
extracting: Asia-MURKJT
extracting: Aus-StewartIslan.DArrigo.1995
extracting: Asia-ZACHTD
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticMaineWanamaker2008
extracting: O2kLR-AlboranSea-TTR17-1_436B.Nieto-Moreno.2012
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianMafiaDamassa2006
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificNauruGuilderson1999
extracting: NAm-ak132
extracting: O2kLR-MakassarStrait-MD98-2177.Newton.2011
extracting: O2kLR-CapeHatteras.Cléroux.2012
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificBunakenCharles2003
extracting: Asia-DHURPS
extracting: NAm-co553
extracting: Asia-BAWSIC
extracting: Asia-KHOGLS
extracting: O2kLR-RAPiD-12-1K.Thornalley.2009
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificFelis2009OgasawaraJapan
extracting: NAm-tab
extracting: Asia-WL1
extracting: Asia-Chu.2012.Sihailongwanlake
extracting: O2kLRMakassarStrait-MD98-2160.Newton.2011
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonClipp2bWu2014
extracting: O2kLR-SWCoastOfIndia.Saraswat.2013
extracting: Asia-NANENG
extracting: Asia-WEXYUN
extracting: Asia-Guangdong.Zheng.1982
extracting: Asia-AJTMJT
extracting: Asia-MCCHFH
extracting: Ant-TalosDome.Stenni.2002
extracting: Asia-WL3
extracting: Asia-22DLT
extracting: Asia-Guangdongand.Zhang.1980
extracting: O2kLR-KuroshioCurrent.Isono.2009
extracting: Asia-KHELLS
extracting: Asia-ZHD
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianNingalooKuhnert2000
extracting: Eur-ECarpathians.Popa.2009
extracting: Ant-LawDomeBoreholeReconstruction
extracting: Ant-SiteDML17.Graf.2000
extracting: O2kLR-SouthChinaSea.Zhao.2006
extracting: Asia-SAT3JU
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonClipp6aWu2014
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthCoralBayCooper2012
extracting: NAm-ut511
extracting: Asia-BULGLS
extracting: NAm-ak014
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificNewCaledoniaDelong2012
extracting: Asia-ZSMDLS
extracting: Ant-WDC06A.Steig.2013
extracting: Arc-MackenzieDelta.Porter.2013
extracting: NAm-wy030
extracting: Arc-Luoto2009
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaKuhnert2005
extracting: Asia-SHENJP
extracting: Arc-Fisher1983
extracting: Arc-LakeE.DAndrea.2011
extracting: O2kLR-EmeraldBasin.Keigwin.2003
extracting: Asia-SAT2JU
extracting: NAm-GreenLake
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticTobagoMoses2006Montastrea
extracting: Asia-BDFLON
extracting: Arc-Larsen2011
extracting: Ant-CoastalDML.Thamban.2006
extracting: NAm-ca528
extracting: O2kLR-SouthIceland.Sicre.2011
extracting: Asia-UULEWD
extracting: Eur-Seebergsee.Larocque-Tobler.2012
extracting: Asia-UKHMND
extracting: Asia-QUMAJP
extracting: Asia-DEZQIN
extracting: Ant-Vostok.Ekaykin.2014
extracting: Asia-GHUNAB
extracting: Asia-CGPPIG
extracting: Asia-KRNKAM
extracting: NAm-ca530
extracting: Asia-JOTPIG
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthBundegiCooper2012
extracting: NAm-cana453
extracting: Africa-P178-15.Tierney.2015
extracting: NAm-Dark_L
extracting: Asia-UULLWW
extracting: Arc-PrinceOfWales.Kinnard.2011
extracting: NAm-ca529
extracting: Asia-ZURTLS
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBermudaDraschba2000a
extracting: NAm-cana438
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificWu2013Tonga
extracting: Asia-MSR
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianAqabaHeiss1994AQ18
extracting: Asia-NASPTD
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificQuinn2008Rabaul
extracting: Asia-SHIYAT
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificPalauulongchannelOsborne2014
extracting: Eur-Lotschental.Buentgen.2006
extracting: Asia-TIANMU
extracting: Asia-NLTJUE
extracting: NAm-cana439
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianIfatyTulearZinke2014tul3
extracting: NAm-cana155
extracting: NAm-cana002
extracting: NAm-ak115
extracting: NAm-ak070
extracting: Asia-MOR2JU
extracting: Asia-KOELIU
extracting: NAm-Little_Pine_L
extracting: Asia-MUNATG
extracting: NAm-LClouds
extracting: Arc-Cook2009
extracting: Ant-DSS.Moy.2012
extracting: NAm-vic
extracting: Arc-Indigurka.Hughes.1999
extracting: Eur-CentralEu.Buntgen.2011
extracting: O2kLR-CapeGhir.Kim.2007
extracting: O2kLR-DryTortugasA.Lund.2006
extracting: Arc-Zhang.Jamtland.2016
extracting: O2kLR-ODP984.Came.2007
extracting: NAm-mt126
extracting: Asia-DLH1
extracting: Ant-USITASE20024.Steig.2013
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticBahamasExumaRosenheim2005
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificGBRWei2009
extracting: Asia-KHOTLS
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticDryTortugasDeLong2014
extracting: O2kLR-MakassarStrait.Linsley.2010
extracting: NAm-ca636
extracting: NAm-L_Noir
extracting: Asia-Guliya.Thompson.1997
extracting: Asia-MQFXJP
extracting: Asia-Djaz.Magda.2011
extracting: Arc-NGTB18.Fischer.1998
extracting: Arc-GRIP.Vinther.2010
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificSuvaBagnato2005
extracting: Asia-SMASLY
extracting: NAm-SOV
extracting: Eur-Tallinn.Tarand.2001
extracting: Asia-MANHPS
extracting: Ant-TALDICE.Stenni.2011
extracting: NAm-cana359
extracting: O2kLR-CH07-98-MC-2.Saenger.2011
extracting: Arc-StoreggaSlid.Sejrup.2011
extracting: Asia-HBHXJP
extracting: Asia-TJ1
extracting: Arc-Kittelfjall.Bjorkelund.2013
extracting: NAm-cana382
extracting: Asia-GEFKJT
extracting: O2kLR-MakassarStrait.Oppo.2009
extracting: NAm-ak116
extracting: Aus-BuckleysChan.Buckley.1997
extracting: Asia-XJTCJT
extracting: Asia-Kur2.Magda.2011
extracting: O2kLR-DryTortugas.Lund.2006
extracting: Asia-WL4
extracting: Asia-QAMDPB
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianRusUmSiddMoustafa2000Rus93a
extracting: Asia-TKACDD
extracting: Arc-LakeDonardBa.Moore.2001
extracting: Arc-MD992275.Jiang.2005
extracting: Asia-BAG4JU
extracting: O2kLR-WEqPacific-MD98-2176.Stott.2007
extracting: NAm-cana321
extracting: Asia-LUKUTD
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticGuadeloupeHetzinger2010
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianRedSeaFelis2000
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianIfatyTulearZinke2014if4
extracting: Asia-MQAXJP
extracting: Asia-MOR3JU
extracting: NAm-cana421
extracting: Arc-McCarrol.Forfjordalen.2013
extracting: Eur-CoastofPortu.Abrantes.2011
extracting: Africa-Malawi.Powers.2011
extracting: O2kLR-KNR140.Saenger.2011
extracting: Eur-SPyrenees.Linan.2012
extracting: NAm-cana432
extracting: Asia-SODAPS
extracting: NAm-wy023
extracting: Asia-PHUMTD
extracting: NAm-Ruby_L
extracting: NAm-ak094
extracting: Asia-SANGTS
extracting: Asia-PTCYUN
extracting: Asia-HBMXJP
extracting: NAm-mt119
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificClippertonClippf1bWu2014
extracting: NAm-cana378
extracting: Asia-Ugla.Panyushkina.2005
extracting: NAm-GB
extracting: NAm-cana354
extracting: Eur-Tat12
extracting: NAm-cana234
extracting: Asia-SourthandMid.Demezhko.2007
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianAqabaHeiss1994AQ19
extracting: Asia-10GKP
extracting: NAm-cana352
extracting: Asia-BURGPW
extracting: Asia-XCHSIC
extracting: O2kLR-Minorca.Moreno.2012
extracting: Asia-HYGJUP
extracting: Asia-GAYTTD
extracting: NAm-cana029
extracting: O2kLR-FiskBasin.Richey.2009
extracting: Asia-ONB
extracting: Ant-VLG.Bertler.2011
extracting: NAm-mexi020
extracting: Asia-LAJQIN
extracting: Asia-TANSIC
extracting: Asia-Middlereache.Zhang.1980
extracting: NAm-wa081
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianAbrolhosZinke2014HAB10A
extracting: Asia-Lowerreaches.Zhang.1980
extracting: Arc-Schneider.2015.PolarUrals
extracting: NAm-cana053
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificLiangTudhope2001
extracting: Ant-WDC05ABoreholeTreconstruction
extracting: Asia-ZhejiangandF.Zhang.1980
extracting: Asia-Puruogangri.Thompson.2006
extracting: Arc-GISP2.Grootes.1997
extracting: Asia-CILAUP
extracting: Arc-Dye.Vinther.2010
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianReunionPfeiffer2004
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificNurhati2011
extracting: Asia-DLH3
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticFloridaBaySwart1996
extracting: O2kLR-WesternAntarcticPeninsula.Shevenell.2011
extracting: Asia-HBLXJP
extracting: NAm-id013
extracting: Asia-MAXSIC
extracting: Asia-HUASPI
extracting: Asia-Tut2.Magda.2011
extracting: NAm-ak046
extracting: Asia-MHGSTG
extracting: Eur-FrenchAlps.Buentgen.2012
extracting: Arc-DArrigo2006Yuk
extracting: Ocean2kHR-AtlanticCapeVerdeMoses2006
extracting: NAm-cana437
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthImperieuseCooper2012
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificTarawaCole1990
extracting: NAm-wa069
extracting: Asia-ASTPIW
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificLinsley2006FijiAB
extracting: Asia-UKHLWD
extracting: O2kLR-FeniDriftRichter.2009
extracting: Arc-Tornetrask.Melvin.2013
extracting: NAm-ca609
extracting: Arc-Clegg2010
extracting: Ocean2kHR-PacificMooreaBoiseau2003
extracting: NAm-Conroy_L
extracting: Asia-NYINJT
extracting: Ant-USITASE20001.Steig.2013
extracting: O2kLR-JacafFjord.Sepulveda.2009
extracting: Asia-RACHAS
extracting: Asia-HunanJiangsu.Zhang.1980
extracting: Asia-BONKJT
extracting: Asia-GOUQIN
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianIfatyTulearZinke2014if1
extracting: Arc-VoringPlateau.Berner.2011
extracting: NAm-wa061
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianAbrolhosZinke2014HAB05B
extracting: NAm-ca637
extracting: Arc-PennyIceCapP.Okuyama.2003
extracting: Asia-Dasuopu.Thompson.2000
extracting: Asia-FujianandTai.Wang.1998
extracting: Asia-DLH6
extracting: NAm-Hell_Kt
extracting: Arc-PennyIceCapP.Fisher.1998
extracting: Asia-HXBURU
extracting: Asia-UULTRW
extracting: Asia-SouthChina.Wang.1998
extracting: NAm-cana062
extracting: NAm-cana313
extracting: NAm-cana231
extracting: Asia-BUKCDD
extracting: NAm-mexi043
extracting: NAm-cana358
extracting: O2kLR-SubTropicalEasternAtlantic.deMenocal.2000
extracting: NAm-mt115
extracting: Asia-MS.Magda.2011
extracting: NAm-ca606
extracting: Ocean2kHR-IndianWAGrowthClerkeCooper2012
extracting: Asia-DLH4
extracting: Asia-WXIYUN
extracting: NAm-ak6
Created time series: 3777 entries

The PAGES2k data is now stored as a dataframe and we can view the data to understand different attributes it contains.

# print the top few rows of the PAGES2K data
paleoData_pages2kID dataSetName archiveType geo_meanElev geo_meanLat geo_meanLon year yearUnits paleoData_variableName paleoData_units paleoData_values paleoData_proxy
0 Asi_016 Asia-UULMND tree 2150.0 50.48 87.65 [1581.0, 1582.0, 1583.0, 1584.0, 1585.0, 1586.... AD trsgi NA [1.136, 1.005, 1.03, 1.064, 1.041, 1.0, 0.984,... TRW
1 NAm_131 NAm-cana171 tree 2000.0 52.3 -117.3 [1665.0, 1666.0, 1667.0, 1668.0, 1669.0, 1670.... AD MXD NA [1.051, 1.09, 1.022, 1.032, 1.042, 1.003, 1.03... MXD
2 Asi_202 Asia-MOR1JU tree 1500.0 36.58 75.08 [476.0, 477.0, 478.0, 479.0, 480.0, 481.0, 482... AD trsgi NA [0.653, 0.829, 0.935, 0.971, 1.059, 1.201, 1.0... TRW
3 Asi_191 Asia-BUKPIG tree 3450.0 35.68 71.63 [1403.0, 1404.0, 1405.0, 1406.0, 1407.0, 1408.... AD trsgi NA [0.648, 0.917, 0.974, 0.883, 0.793, 0.725, 0.7... TRW
4 NAm_066 NAm-CTR tree 2614.0 46.7 -114.2 [1150.0, 1151.0, 1152.0, 1153.0, 1154.0, 1155.... AD trsgi NA [0.881, 0.812, 1.156, 0.929, 0.849, 0.936, 1.0... TRW

Section 3: Plotting a Map of Proxy Reconstruction Locations#

Now that we have converted the data into a Pandas dataframe, we can plot the PAGES2k network on a map to understand the spatial distribution of the temperature records and the types of proxies that were measured.

Before generating the plot, we have to define the colours and the marker types that we want to use in the plot. We also need to set a list with the different archive_type names that appear in the data frame.

# list of markers and colors for the different archive_type
markers = ["p", "p", "o", "v", "d", "*", "s", "s", "8", "D", "^"]
colors = [
    np.array([1.0, 0.83984375, 0.0]),
    np.array([0.73828125, 0.71484375, 0.41796875]),
    np.array([1.0, 0.546875, 0.0]),
    np.array([0.41015625, 0.41015625, 0.41015625]),
    np.array([0.52734375, 0.8046875, 0.97916667]),
    np.array([0.0, 0.74609375, 1.0]),
    np.array([0.25390625, 0.41015625, 0.87890625]),
    np.array([0.54296875, 0.26953125, 0.07421875]),
    np.array([1, 0, 0]),
    np.array([1.0, 0.078125, 0.57421875]),
    np.array([0.1953125, 0.80078125, 0.1953125]),

# create the plot

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=ccrs.Robinson())

# add plot title
ax.set_title(f"PAGES2k Network (n={len(pages2k_data)})", fontsize=20, fontweight="bold")

# set the base map
# ----------------

# add coast lines

# add land fratures using gray color
ax.add_feature(cfeature.LAND, facecolor="gray", alpha=0.3)

# add gridlines for latitude and longitude
ax.gridlines(edgecolor="gray", linestyle=":")

# plot the different archive types
# -------------------------------

# extract the name of the different archive types
archive_types = pages2k_data.archiveType.unique()

# plot the archive_type using a forloop
for i, type_i in enumerate(archive_types):
    df = pages2k_data[pages2k_data["archiveType"] == type_i]
    # count the number of appearances of the same archive_type
    count = df["archiveType"].count()
    # generate the plot
        label=f"{type_i} (n = {count})",
# add legend to the plot
    bbox_to_anchor=(0, -0.4),
    loc="lower left",
/home/wesley/miniconda3/envs/climatematch/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cartopy/mpl/ UserWarning: *c* argument looks like a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence, which should be avoided as value-mapping will have precedence in case its length matches with *x* & *y*.  Please use the *color* keyword-argument or provide a 2D array with a single row if you intend to specify the same RGB or RGBA value for all points.
  result = super().scatter(*args, **kwargs)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fc189f5bfd0>

Questions 3#

You have just plotted the global distribution and temperature proxy type of the 692 records in the PAGES2k network!

  1. Which temperature proxy is the most and least abundant in this database?

  2. In what region do you observe the most and least temperature records? Why might this be the case?

# to_remove explanation

1. The most abundant temperature proxy is tree ring and the least one is hybrid (tree/borehole) or bivalve. Tree rings form the basis for more than half of these records, and this can be attributed to their annual resolution, exact dating, and broad geographical distribution, most notably in the Northern Hemisphere's mid-latitudes.
2. The spatial distribution of proxy archives reveals an overwhelming distribution of records situated on land within the Northern Hemisphere. The least amount of records seem to come from Antarctica, as well as central South America and Africa. These areas are often remote and hard to get to, whether an ice-sheet, a rainforest, or a desert. This makes it difficult to reach these locations, and their cliamte biome may not be suitable for many proxy types.


In this tutorial, you explored the PAGES2K network, which offers an extensive collection of proxy temperature reconstructions spanning the last 2,000 years. You surveyed various types of paleoclimate proxies and archives available, in addition to crafting a global map pinpointing the locations of the PAGES2k proxy records. As you advance throughout this module, you will extract and meticulously analyze the temperature timelines embedded within reconstructions such as those shown here.


Code for this tutorial is based on existing notebooks from LinkedEarth that convert LiPD files to a Pandas dataframe and create a map of the PAGES2k network.

The following data is used in this tutorial: